The intelligent automation engine for finance
Occam is an out-of-the-box engine for generating and running financial automations that require manipulating large amounts of data, human-in-the-loop capabilities, and adaptive runtime planning.
Connect data & integrations, and set your automation goals
Use our web-app to connect to your software’s databases, custom and third-party integrations, and request automation proposals.

Put our multi-agent reasoning engine to work
Our multi-agent network model leverages the collective capabilities of reasoning agents to create automation proposals that fulfil your goals.

Review, adjust and publish agent-generated automation proposals
Manually adjust automations, request adjustments, simulate runs and ship automation proposals to your catalog.
Run & Modify Distributed Automation Graphs
Occam’s Engine fully executes distributed automation runs, which you can supervise and modify through our WebApp or SDK.

Natively embed automation runs within your software
Occam SDK provides full access to our API, allowing you to embed automation run triggers natively within your software or data pipelines.

Leverage dynamic planning to adjust automations at runtime
Our automation engine can adjust workflows in realtime conditioned on end-user approval, bringing you resilience against failures and unexpected outcomes.
Track Automation Runs & API Usage
Compare automation runs, schedule automations, spin up automations from templates, and re-draft and delete automations.
Automations catalog
Track usage rates and performance of different automations in your catalog.

API Dashboard
Track API end-point calls, quota, and failures.

Deploy Occam powered intelligent automation today
Plug-and-play engine for generating and running complex enterprise automations.